The Kids are Back

“The Kids”, our youngest pair last year, have returned – Jennifer and her unbanded mate – are back at the Selkirk Generating Station. With the flurry of birds returning, we had to wait to see if the bird(s) seen in the area were actually back for a reason or just passing through. A couple of days ago it appeared we might have our answer when a couple of birds looked to be settling in. It wasn’t until today however that we could say for sure that Jennifer is back and it appears so too is the unbanded male she was with last year. We will have to compare photos to be more confident about the male’s identity and if we can find a way to be fairly sure we can identify him in the future, we will then work on giving him a name. Until then, we make the assumption that since they are so comfortable with each other, that it is the same male as last year.

photo courtesy of D Swayze

Jennifer it seems is a wee bit territorial. That was how she was first spotted, she was harassing crows that were also looking at nesting real estate at the Station. Some peregrines really do not like crows – Cowboy our first Logan male had a particular antipathy for crows which was amazing to watch so long as you weren’t a crow. Cowboy’s son Sundance on the other hand has had some terribly civilized relations with crows over the years. Jennifer appears to not like any interlopers but it may be that she comes by this honestly – Jennifer’s mom was Jolicoeur who had a “take no prisoners” attitude towards anyone with designs on her children.