Author Topic: Radisson - 2013 / Ivy & Princess  (Read 164674 times)

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Re: Radisson - 2013 / Oct - Dec
« Reply #1510 on: October 20, 2013, 08:31 »

Can't say why peregrines think the brains are the best, but you mostly see the head come off right at the start or you never see the head at all.  Males when they bring food to their mates will often leave on wings and legs which don't have any "meat" so to speak but the head will be missing.

I guess some of the heads I see on the ground at the McKenzie site would be lost treasure for the peregrines.  I do recall seeing the Brandon chicks picking away at the occasional head left in the nest box by the parents.   ;D

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Re: Radisson - 2013 / Oct - Dec
« Reply #1509 on: October 19, 2013, 23:25 »
Why is the head the best part of the bird? ???

Can't say why peregrines think the brains are the best, but you mostly see the head come off right at the start or you never see the head at all.  Males when they bring food to their mates will often leave on wings and legs which don't have any "meat" so to speak but the head will be missing.

It's brain food!  ;D  ;D  Just a bit of humor.  ;) 

Not wrong, the food is the brain, just not sure it improves peregrines' brain power, but some would argue that peregrines don't really need much help in that department ... well maybe a couple do when it comes to their choice of nestsites but ...  ::)

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Re: Radisson - 2013 / Oct - Dec
« Reply #1508 on: October 18, 2013, 18:17 »
Why is the head the best part of the bird? ???

It's brain food!  ;D  ;D  Just a bit of humor.  ;)

Offline susha

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Re: Radisson - 2013 / Oct - Dec
« Reply #1507 on: October 18, 2013, 17:46 »
I didn't know that either!  Thought it wasn't any good since the parents always snap it off before dropping off a meal...don't they?  Or do they take the best part for themselves before feeding the kids?   ??? ::)

Offline Dagny

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Re: Radisson - 2013 / Oct - Dec
« Reply #1506 on: October 18, 2013, 15:50 »
Why is the head the best part of the bird? ???

Offline bev.

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Re: Radisson - 2013 / Oct - Dec
« Reply #1505 on: October 18, 2013, 13:33 »
very interesting.

hope there is no drama next spring. It is always a nail biting time . for us, all season was nail biting.  ::) ::)

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Re: Radisson - 2013 / Oct - Dec
« Reply #1504 on: October 18, 2013, 10:55 »
Smiley and Joli are still playing house at the Radisson - she had breakfast on the ledge about 0930h but don't know if Smiley caught it for her, I suspect he might have because I spotted him after she'd left with the head which is the best part of the bird for the peregrines so I can't imagine she would have left it for him if she'd had it. 

In any case, they tend to hang out on the nestledge side of the building though they will drop by the nestbox but it appears not for as long which is interesting since the nestbox was their preferred location in the spring and was possibly part of the reason that Princess chose the ledge in the end. 

I don't think Joli is going to "leave" Cowboy if he returns next spring, I suspect that she is like Ivy, a bit of a "flirt" (to put it mildly) and her default is the "date" whoever is around.  Joli "dated" Ivy, then Smiley then Cowboy.  Ivy dated Jules, then Joli then Princess.  Next spring may be very interesting ...

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Re: Radisson - 2013 / Oct - Dec
« Reply #1503 on: October 18, 2013, 10:43 »
So where has Smiley been hanging out while Joli & Cowboy were together this past summer? If I recall correctly, he & Joli were an "item" before Cowboy & Joli. And now he & Joli are an "item" again. Has Smiley been hanging out in Winnipeg all this time, waiting for Cowboy to move on? Or has he been somewhere else & now he is passing through town again? ???

Yup, he's been sighted periodically on a building near Pam's within the Radisson territory (Other sightings downtown) and most recently was the Global TV bird (reported here on Oct 9th)

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Re: Radisson - 2013 / Oct - Dec
« Reply #1502 on: October 17, 2013, 18:58 »
So where has Smiley been hanging out while Joli & Cowboy were together this past summer? If I recall correctly, he & Joli were an "item" before Cowboy & Joli. And now he & Joli are an "item" again. Has Smiley been hanging out in Winnipeg all this time, waiting for Cowboy to move on? Or has he been somewhere else & now he is passing through town again? ???

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Re: Radisson - 2013 / Oct - Dec
« Reply #1501 on: October 16, 2013, 11:21 »
Okay, young love and all that  ::) ... it is Smiley and Joli who are on the Radisson right now ... it's a good thing that Ivy, Princess and especially Cowboy aren't in town right now  :o  Susha maybe quite right and there may be considerably more drama next spring than we would like ...

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Re: Radisson - 2013 / Oct - Dec
« Reply #1500 on: October 16, 2013, 10:16 »
1013h - two birds on the east side of the Radisson right now - pretty sure it is Smiley down on the nestledge napping in the sun and the American female (which might be Joli) up on the Radisson sign.  Hoping she will give me a peak at her band number again today, yesterday her band was spun around so all I could see was the rivets!

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Re: Radisson - 2013 / Oct - Dec
« Reply #1499 on: October 16, 2013, 10:08 »
Can't wait for spring and the dramas that will be unfolding!

So long as it is just drama and not anything more serious (or bloodthirsty!)  :o

Offline susha

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Re: Radisson - 2013 / Oct - Dec
« Reply #1498 on: October 15, 2013, 20:43 »
Can't wait for spring and the dramas that will be unfolding!

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Re: Radisson - 2013 / Oct - Dec
« Reply #1497 on: October 15, 2013, 09:38 »
This morning, Smiley is playing house in the nestbox ... he's been there a couple of times already, once before the sun came up for about an hour and his lady friend joined him, then after 0830h.  So far as I can tell, she hasn't joined him in the nestbox yet, but from his "work" yesterday on the nestledge, he stands a good chance of convincing her ... which could mean a confirmation on her band number yet ...

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Radisson - 2013 / Oct - Dec
« Reply #1496 on: October 14, 2013, 22:28 »
... who said all the fun is in the spring!!!  ;D
Sounds like lots of action down at the Radisson these days! LOL! ;)