Author Topic: PA / Harrisburg - Rachel Carson Building - 2008-21  (Read 74761 times)

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Offline carly

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Re: PA / Harrisburg - Rachel Carson Building - 2021 / ? & ?
« Reply #300 on: March 19, 2021, 10:36 »
Lil Dad was one of my all time favorite tiercels - he is a legend  :'(

Offline GCG

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Re: PA / Harrisburg - Rachel Carson Building - 2021 / ? & ?
« Reply #299 on: March 19, 2021, 10:22 »
 :'( This is so sad. This is the time of year for territorial battles. Thanks for sharing, RCF!

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PA / Harrisburg - Rachel Carson Building - 2021 / ? & ?
« Reply #297 on: March 19, 2021, 10:08 »

Sad news! 

There had been territorial disputes between males this spring.

3/17/2021  ::   Update on W/V
Followers of PA Falcon Cam are still reacting to the end of the long-time resident male's (W/V) reign at the Rachel Carson State Office Building (RCSOB). Yesterday, the PA Game Commission recovered the body of W/V. Unfortunately, W/V flew into the side of a building and perished.
Looking at the situation in a positive light, this does provide closure. Previous RCSOB falcons have disappeared without any indications as to where they went or if they had survived. The other positive development is that yesterday the first egg of 2021 was laid in the nest box on the 15th floor ledge. This continues the lineage of the most productive falcon nest site located within the Commonwealth. Stay tuned as a tribute to W/V's legacy is currently being developed.

« Last Edit: March 19, 2021, 10:11 by RCF »

Offline burdi

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I was so happy when Lil Dad returned for another season.

Niecey laid her first egg of the season this morning.  :)

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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And for those who like to follow nests on social media - Lil Dad & Niecey have their own Twitter Page -

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Oh I am a little interested in this one ...

According to early contributions on this forum, W/V is black over red, named Lil Dad.  He hatched on Walt Whitman Bridge in Philadelphia in 2003, and first came to Harrisburg in 2005.  What makes it interesting is that in the Midwest there is also a black over red W/V bird, a female named Aerial that was banded in 1994 in Detroit Michigan.  No word if she survived her first year or ever nested and she wouldn't have survived this long in the wild but back in 2003, she could have still been around somewhere - we have more than a few 10 year old birds.  And Harrisburg is only 560km/350mi from Detroit.  Does make one pause long enough to realize that band numbers alone sometimes aren't enough to be sure who's who.  Size, location, age all play a part.

Niecey's band (black/green 48/AE) on the other hand is a reflection of the number of birds being banded and attempts to not have two birds with the same bands at the same time - the double-barrelled top/bottom band numbers are relatively new ... less new out east, than here, but we got our first shipment end of last year.  Still have some of the old bands so they won't turn up on Manitoba birds for a few years yet.  And for those wondering who she is - she is a 2009 hatch from the Delaware River Bridge and she's been the Harrisburg resident female since 2012.

(thank you to those who posted this information on the archived Harrisburg thread)

Offline RCF

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I was able to see the band close up, of the female at this site. One of the cams is a view inside the box showing the scrape. She was laying in it as if sitting on an egg. After she got up and walked around, no egg, but afforded me a view of her band on her left leg. it is black 48 over green AE. Can anyone identify her from this info?  ???  TPC?

Her name is Niecey, I don't know where she comes from. :)

Offline GCG

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I was able to see the band close up, of the female at this site. One of the cams is a view inside the box showing the scrape. She was laying in it as if sitting on an egg. After she got up and walked around, no egg, but afforded me a view of her band on her left leg. it is black 48 over green AE. Can anyone identify her from this info?  ???  TPC?

Offline GCG

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The pair at this site just "bonded" again. One of them is again in the scrape. IMHO an egg will soon appear. If not today, but in the next few days. A lot of time has been spent in the scrape.

Offline GCG

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The blog on this site calls the female Mama and refers to the male as W/V. There is a large scape in the nest and in the last few days, numerous visits to "size up" the nest. The site suggests that eggs are normally laid in mid March. Tick Tock!
As posted by a moderator, it appears that M/V is 17 years old.


From the DEP Falcon Wire...

2/27/2020  ::  Senior Citizen?
After all the uncertainty over which male, 38S or W/V, would occupy the 15th floor ledge, it is safe to say that, once again, W/V will rule the roost. At 17 years old (confirmed age thanks to banding), this is an amazing accomplishment. According to the Cornell Lab, the oldest recorded peregrine falcon was at least 19 years and 9 months old when it was identified by its band in Minnesota in 2012, the same state where it had been banded in 1992. This information suggests W/V is just two years short of the longevity record. Considering that this falcon spent most of his adult life in an urban area, surviving all the human-made obstacles a city features, makes the current situation that much more remarkable.

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: PA / Harrisburg - Rachel Carson Building - 2020 / Lil Dad & Niecey
« Reply #289 on: February 24, 2020, 14:20 »
There was a territorial fight a few weeks ago with Lil Dad and 38/S, both went over the ledge and Lil Dad hasn't been seen since.  :'(

Territorial battles are usually not to the death, if they birds went over the edge of the ledge then I would fully expect self-preservation to kick in and both birds would let go and save themselves.  If they didn't there would be an unmistakable splat below.  It is early days in the nesting season so don't count Lil Dad out this year - or next year.  If he was defeated, there is always another lady friend, another nestsite and another year! 

Offline carly

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Re: PA / Harrisburg - Rachel Carson Building - 2020 / Lil Dad & Niecey
« Reply #288 on: January 28, 2020, 14:08 »
There was a territorial fight a few weeks ago with Lil Dad and 38/S, both went over the ledge and Lil Dad hasn't been seen since.  :'(

Offline GCG

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PA / Harrisburg - Rachel Carson Building - 2020 / Lil Dad & Niecey
« Reply #287 on: January 02, 2020, 08:34 »

I am listening to very loud kakking at this site.   ;D

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: PA / Harrisburg - Rachel Carson Building - 2019 / ? & ?
« Reply #286 on: January 05, 2019, 00:08 »

Apparently last year Lil Dad and Niecey turned up at the nest site mid- to late January.