Author Topic: West Winnipeg - 2013 / Beau & Jules  (Read 72818 times)

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Offline GCG

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2013 / January - March
« Reply #42 on: March 29, 2013, 06:24 »
Great news -- so happy to hear that Beau and Jules are safely back -- and, as BCbird said, together!  :)

With Jules playing the bowing game with Ivy at the Radisson, it doesn't appear at this point they are "Happy Together" We could have a drama unfold when Princess arrives.  :o :o

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2013 / January - March
« Reply #41 on: March 28, 2013, 19:46 »
"And then there were two." What GREAT news! ;D

Offline Doreen

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2013 / January - March
« Reply #40 on: March 28, 2013, 19:30 »
Welcome home Beau and Jules!  :D

Offline Saoirse

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2013 / January - March
« Reply #39 on: March 28, 2013, 19:23 »
Great news -- so happy to hear that Beau and Jules are safely back -- and, as BCbird said, together!  :)

Offline bcbird

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2013 / January - March
« Reply #38 on: March 28, 2013, 17:24 »
Maybe it is silly, but I am very happy to have the two appear at the same time.
No anxious waiting for a mate, and keeping all of us a bit anxious.

Offline RCF

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2013 / January - March
« Reply #37 on: March 28, 2013, 16:57 »
Happy to hear Beau and Jules are home!!  :)

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2013 / January - March
« Reply #36 on: March 28, 2013, 15:34 »
Somebody around here is a big tease. "and then there were two. A pair in fact" A pair of what I wonder. Socks?

Sorry, went of to turn off the countdown timers before coming back to post more news ... :)

This morning we found Jules sitting in the watery morning sun, then in popped Beau.  No great fanfare, no welcome back, just a little yak at each other, him sitting on one side, her on the other.  She did a little shuffle on the railing at the Look-out and Dennis got a clear look (and photo) of her ring-band.  Beau was on the other side so we broke down Wowzer and the scope and we changed locations and after a long (long) time just hanging out as he ate (must have been a Canada Goose based on the length of time it took for him to eat!) and then napped.  Finally he moved back to an edge so we could get a look at him (with his bulging crop!) and despite the light he "mooned" Dennis and Dennis was ready and we got a look at his band.

So Beau and Jules are confirmed in West Winnipeg ... so far they are playing it cool, probably because its been a long trip north.  Beau didn't share food with Jules which is common courting behaviour and she went off to get her own and she hadn't returned when we left a couple of hours later.  So neither looks to be in a mad rush to get rolling for the season.  Which is nice for a change!

Offline Cooper

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2013 / January - March
« Reply #35 on: March 28, 2013, 15:02 »
Somebody around here is a big tease. "and then there were two. A pair in fact" A pair of what I wonder. Socks?

Offline birdcamfan

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2013 / January - March
« Reply #34 on: March 28, 2013, 08:13 »
I see TPC has my day planned...let the games begin  :)

All of us know you have been waiting for this day, just as we have. I saw the photo Kate (weather girl) posted on Global News Tuesday. In it, you snapped a photo of two joggers in Assiniboine Park. Excitement builds.  ;D

I just noticed, I am now proudly, a Phanatic Fledgling.  :D
Congrats on your Fledgling status.  :)

Offline GCG

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2013 / January - March
« Reply #33 on: March 28, 2013, 07:13 »
I see TPC has my day planned...let the games begin  :)

All of us know you have been waiting for this day, just as we have. I saw the photo Kate (weather girl) posted on Global News Tuesday. In it, you snapped a photo of two joggers in Assiniboine Park. Excitement builds.  ;D

I just noticed, I am now proudly, a Phanatic Fledgling.  :D
« Last Edit: March 28, 2013, 07:15 by gemcitygemini »

Offline RCF

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2013 / January - March
« Reply #32 on: March 27, 2013, 22:09 »
Glad to hear somebody is back!! 8)

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2013 / January - March
« Reply #31 on: March 27, 2013, 20:34 »
This is very exciting news! Let's hope it is Beau! :D

Offline photosbydennis

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2013 / January - March
« Reply #30 on: March 27, 2013, 19:35 »
I see TPC has my day planned...let the games begin  :)

Offline photosbydennis

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2013 / January - March
« Reply #29 on: March 27, 2013, 19:34 »
Looks like a Crow to me  :P

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: West Winnipeg - 2013 / January - March
« Reply #28 on: March 27, 2013, 19:14 »
Looks like Beau is back in West Winnipeg but I only had binocs with me so while it looked like him, I only got very brief glimpses of what I think was a red leg band on his right leg ... Dennis and I will try to get a confirmation on the bird tomorrow if he/she cooperates of course ....

Not a great close shot like Dennis'!  It was taken with a small pocket camera zoomed to the max and cropped. 
But since I like to ask for photo confirmations :)

The bird I saw at the Diner this evening has a head that looks darker than Jules' and looked smaller overall but both Jules and Beau are larger birds, not like our Radisson offspring who are smaller overall.  The black on "his" head looked like more than any of our other birds in town at the moment, which is Beau's distinctive feature at least to me since most of our pre-Princess birds had very full black caps.
As for the red band, I just think I saw red.  Now whether it was full red or black over red, I can't say for sure.  The only other birds we know of in town with red on its band is Jolicoeur and this bird did not look like her ... nor Alice who has stayed/passed through town in previous years.  Sandy from Fargo who has visited in the spring in past years also has a black over red band but this bird seemed male sized.

While I was watching, bird's head was on a constant swivel looking for his/her mate.  Then a crow came by and protested the peregrine's presence and that set him off and he took off after the crow like it was another peregrine.  Seemed like territorial defense to me, another indication that this bird is one of the WW resident pair.  After lots of aerial acrobatics and yelling, the crow went one way and the peregrine went north to do a few lazy circles before returning to the Diner to sit in the NE corner in the sun.  About a 1/2 hour later, he took off to the north very fast - I suspect to go kill something.  And that was the last I saw of him ...