Author Topic: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur  (Read 39769 times)

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Offline ballywing

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #152 on: November 18, 2017, 09:47 »
Have fallen off the grid this fall and not kept up with the forum. - Also just read the blog about Joli (also Bristol) . - Am shocked and saddened.  :'( Hopefully neither of them suffered.  :-*

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #151 on: November 02, 2017, 22:58 »
I've just read the story of Joli on your blog, TPC.  What a wonderful story.  So many adventures in her young life.  I hope her death was quick and painless.

I'm afraid I can't be sure how she died but I suspect (and honestly hope) it was in Joli's usual full-frontal assault style of living!

Thank you to everyone for the kind words about Joli, we have enjoyed being able to regale everyone with stories and photos and hopefully we will be able to tell equally colourful stories about her kids in the future!

Offline susha

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #150 on: October 29, 2017, 08:48 »
I've just read the story of Joli on your blog, TPC.  What a wonderful story.  So many adventures in her young life.  I hope her death was quick and painless.

Offline burdi

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #149 on: October 24, 2017, 02:41 »
I'm finding it difficult to accept such heartbreaking news regarding our beautiful Joli. She was still quite young and appeared a strong, healthy falcon with many more years ahead of her. TPC, thank you for your very detailed and beautifully written remembrance of Joli's life. My sympathies to you and Dennis.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #148 on: October 21, 2017, 05:41 »
 :'( So difficult to express the emotions I feel over the death of a much loved (by all) falcon. Thanks TPC for your words that paid special tribute to this very special lady. To many (Dennis), she will be irreplaceable, but replaced, she will be.  :'(

Offline Kinderchick

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #147 on: October 20, 2017, 23:17 »
So so sorry to hear the very sad news of Jolicoeur's passing. Thank you for your beautifully written tribute, TPC. Sorry for your loss & for the loss of Joli for the Project.  :'(

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #146 on: October 20, 2017, 22:51 »
So sorry to read about this, such a beautiful bird in the prime of her life, and such a good mother.  So sad.

Offline BirdLover

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #145 on: October 20, 2017, 20:43 »
This is very sad news indeed.  TPC you did a beautiful job in your remembrance of Joli.

Offline susha

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #144 on: October 20, 2017, 16:23 »
I'm so terribly sad.  Just found from Dennis who loved to photograph her  :'(

Offline Pam

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #143 on: October 20, 2017, 15:16 »
Sorry to hear this news, such a beautiful bird.

Offline MayShowers

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #142 on: October 20, 2017, 13:09 »
It is heartbreaking to hear such sad news.  Jolicoeur was a such beautiful falcon and will be missed :'(
Thank you TPC for such a beautiful article in her honor. 
RIP Jolicoeur!

Offline bev.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #141 on: October 20, 2017, 12:59 »
oh, I am heartbroken.

I hope she did nto suffer. She was a great matriarch. We have her daughter Squeak at Bell this year,  so hopefully she comes back after migration . she and B32 had 2 female chicks that were hacked successfully off Pembina.. so

A very touching tribute for a very gracious lady. I hope one of her offspring, comes back to maintain her site.

fly free JOli, I loved you from the first day I saw you.  :'( :-*

Offline carly

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #140 on: October 19, 2017, 19:09 »
I just read this on FB and had to come over, I'm so very sorry ..what a tremendous loss.   I'm heartbroken for you all  :'( :'( :'(

Offline Alison

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #139 on: October 19, 2017, 19:01 »
I am so very sorry to read of the loss of Jolicoeur. What an outstandingly beautiful falcon she was, and it seems that her personality was just as impressive. This is a devastating loss, even more so at such a young age. :'(

TPC, what a beautiful article you wrote about Jolicoeur. It is a very fitting tribute to a great peregrine.

Offline Dagny

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #138 on: October 19, 2017, 17:31 »
What terrible news!  Tears.  RIP Joli

Offline The Peregrine Chick

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #137 on: October 19, 2017, 16:13 »

More on the blog = Oct 18 - Huge Loss

thank you to MK for all her help!

Offline burdi

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #136 on: October 12, 2017, 02:28 »
Found this on your Twitter page, TPC. Hope you don't mind me posting, but I’m just hoping that Dennis caught a band number (or two)! :)

Nope, don't mind at all, I'd forgotten to cross-post, so I appreciate you adding it here.  And again nope, no bands numbers I'm afraid.  We were watching them on the Logan cams and all we could get was colour and on which leg which I'm afraid didn't narrow the field down nearly enough to even make a good guess.

Thank you, and I'm sorry to hear you couldn’t get any band info, but hopefully there will be another chance.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #135 on: October 10, 2017, 09:42 »
Found this on your Twitter page, TPC. Hope you don't mind me posting, but I’m just hoping that Dennis caught a band number (or two)! :)

Nope, don't mind at all, I'd forgotten to cross-post, so I appreciate you adding it here.  And again nope, no bands numbers I'm afraid.  We were watching them on the Logan cams and all we could get was colour and on which leg which I'm afraid didn't narrow the field down nearly enough to even make a good guess.

Offline burdi

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #134 on: October 09, 2017, 16:38 »
Found this on your Twitter page, TPC. Hope you don't mind me posting, but I’m just hoping that Dennis caught a band number (or two)! :)

Offline burdi

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #133 on: October 09, 2017, 16:15 »
One bird at Logan this afternoon - going to have to comb through recordings here second by second to get even a little look at that darn band!!  ;D

Sounds like you’ve got a very difficult job ahead of you - good luck though! ;D

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #132 on: October 08, 2017, 17:05 »
One bird at Logan this afternoon - going to have to comb through recordings here second by second to get even a little look at that darn band!!  ;D

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #130 on: September 27, 2017, 09:45 »
did JOli migrate already. A bit soon, irhgt. our females stay till first week in Oct.

Joli tends not to stay at the nestsite for very long after the end of the summer.  Doesn't mean she's not around, she just doesn't come back to the nestbox.  Princess is even worse, haven't seen her at the nestbox since the chicks left.  Have seen her other places but not at the box.  Faith on the other hand is usually velcroed to a nestbox at this time of the year - her nestbox at West Winnipeg has been moved into temporary storage because of roof repairs, so can't say she would normally hang out at Logan, but this year, she's hanging out at Logan.  She visited the Radisson nestbox a couple of times in the spring but I suspect Princess is still kicking around or she hasn't been gone as long as Joli and that's why she's not gone near the Hotel.

I find it very interesting to read your various posts about how and when our peregrines tend to socialize with their peregrine neighbours, TPC.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #129 on: September 24, 2017, 18:22 »
did JOli migrate already. A bit soon, irhgt. our females stay till first week in Oct.

Joli tends not to stay at the nestsite for very long after the end of the summer.  Doesn't mean she's not around, she just doesn't come back to the nestbox.  Princess is even worse, haven't seen her at the nestbox since the chicks left.  Have seen her other places but not at the box.  Faith on the other hand is usually velcroed to a nestbox at this time of the year - her nestbox at West Winnipeg has been moved into temporary storage because of roof repairs, so can't say she would normally hang out at Logan, but this year, she's hanging out at Logan.  She visited the Radisson nestbox a couple of times in the spring but I suspect Princess is still kicking around or she hasn't been gone as long as Joli and that's why she's not gone near the Hotel.

Offline bev.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #128 on: September 24, 2017, 17:14 »
did JOli migrate already. A bit soon, irhgt. our females stay till first week in Oct.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #127 on: September 23, 2017, 17:55 »

Faith and Joli have the same bi-coloured coloured band on the same leg, but their band numbers look very different so mostly it is easy to tell the two part if I can see the band and can't see their breast.  Joli's speckles come up high on her breast like Princess, Faith has a much whiter breast - more like the boys than Joli & Princess.  The other band difference between Faith and Joli is that Faith's silver band looks whiter than Joli's.

Having said all that, even though I think that the male in the box today was Hart (he's the only male in town with a black band on that leg) but the female did not look like Joli.  They, Hart and Faith I believe, were very comfortable together in Joli's nest tray but both of them have been flirting with each other for a couple of years now, so perhaps not so surprising.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #123 on: September 02, 2017, 23:07 »
Faith (with her feathers blowing in the wind) is so beautiful!

Dennis definitely agrees with you!  ;)

Offline burdi

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #122 on: September 02, 2017, 18:21 »

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #120 on: August 30, 2017, 11:57 »
Definite floozy.  With a capital Flooz.

Faith is back at the Logan site, sitting and preening in the shade like she's waiting for her boyfriend to arrive ... hmmm, sounds like this spring in reverse ....

I'm being a bit unfair to poor Faith, she doesn't actually have a nestbox at the moment, we had to move it out of the way at West Winnipeg so they could do work on the roof in that corner of the building.  Hoping to get it back in place before the snow flies though.

Offline burdi

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #119 on: August 29, 2017, 22:27 »
Not a sound or sign or anything anywhere at any of the sites and then hey presto, yelling female and then yelling male pop into the nestbox at Logan.  Pretty sure it was Hart but the female I think was Faith again ... wouldn't let me see her band well enough for band numbers and the box was in deep shade which made it just that much more difficult to ID her for sure.  Floozy  ::) ;D


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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #118 on: August 29, 2017, 20:19 »
  Floozy  ::) ;D

LOL  You are too funny, TPC

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #117 on: August 29, 2017, 15:08 »
Not a sound or sign or anything anywhere at any of the sites and then hey presto, yelling female and then yelling male pop into the nestbox at Logan.  Pretty sure it was Hart but the female I think was Faith again ... wouldn't let me see her band well enough for band numbers and the box was in deep shade which made it just that much more difficult to ID her for sure.  Floozy  ::) ;D

Offline burdi

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #116 on: August 27, 2017, 19:08 »

Saw a bird in the nest tray scraping yesterday and assumed because of its leg band colours that it was Joli - and I blamed the bright light (and therefore dark shade at the nest) for making the bird look darker so that it didn't really look like Joli.  Today however, I know it wasn't Joli, rather Faith from West Winnipeg doing a little snooping.  Haven't seen Hart or Joli for a while so can't say if they have left yet (too early based on history) or just off a-wandering (my suspicion).  Faith's brave, Joli doesn't share or play well with others ...

Very interesting! Thanks for the update, TPC.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #115 on: August 27, 2017, 13:17 »
Saw a bird in the nest tray scraping yesterday and assumed because of its leg band colours that it was Joli - and I blamed the bright light (and therefore dark shade at the nest) for making the bird look darker so that it didn't really look like Joli.  Today however, I know it wasn't Joli, rather Faith from West Winnipeg doing a little snooping.  Haven't seen Hart or Joli for a while so can't say if they have left yet (too early based on history) or just off a-wandering (my suspicion).  Faith's brave, Joli doesn't share or play well with others ...

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #114 on: August 08, 2017, 09:39 »
Spotted two of the girls not too far from the nestsite this morning - can't say which two girls but they were the same size, so could have been the surviving sisters or one of the sisters and their foster sister.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #113 on: July 30, 2017, 13:36 »
We've got one of the chicks hanging out in the shadiest part of the nestledge.  Looking at the top of the head, I think it might be the foster chick (can't see the bird's feet) based on the percentage of gold to brown on its head - the Logan chicks have more gold than I think I've seen on their heads, or on other chicks in town in the last few years.  Kind of pretty.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #110 on: July 16, 2017, 14:55 »
Two chicks back to nap in the shade on ledges near the nest-tray - one went immediately horizontal, other one has a nice spot with a just a wee bit of breeze ...

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #109 on: July 15, 2017, 09:27 »
Nice précis Dupre - and yes I will share more info on the foster's origins a bit later.  As time goes along and we get new pairs or new sites we run into new partnerships with property managers and we have to work out how the birds use a site. So while it will be unlikely that we will be as public as we are at the Radisson as we hope to be again in Brandon, we will continue to share information on other sites as we can without it interfering with our ability to help the peregrines nest (or not nest as they prefer). You all know we love to talk about who's who and what they are up to but our primary purpose is to work for the birds for the short period they are here so that needs to be our first consideration in some cases.  We hope that by working to ensure we have a webcam at the Radisson (and we keep working on McKenzie Seeds!) and my maintaining this forum and other platforms that we can keep sharing the lives of our falcons with their fans without making it more difficult for us to help them. And we thank everyone for continuing helping us do just that!

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #108 on: July 15, 2017, 09:26 »
Thanks dupre501 that is exactly what I was asking. =)

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #107 on: July 14, 2017, 23:53 »
The story at the top of the previous page only hinted the chick was from a nest in or near the city. Since we have eyes on the Radisson and I've seen all four chicks in West Winnipeg, I think Doreen was trying to determine if Bristol & Sundance are parents, if Spencer settled down with a mate and nested, or if there are others in the area we haven't heard about. I've wondered as well, but didn't want to be the first to ask. I do understand if they don't want to release that info.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #105 on: July 14, 2017, 12:56 »
This happy story's at the top of this page, Doreen  :)

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #104 on: July 14, 2017, 12:14 »
Tracy where did the foster chick come from?

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #103 on: July 14, 2017, 11:26 »
Have seen Joli and Hart this morning - both at the nest-tray.  Have definitely seen the Logan boy and the foster chick near the nest.  Saw two more birds that were farther away but my sense was that it was one or both of the Logan sisters but I can't be sure ... will keep looking though. 

Haven't been able to take any photos this morning because part of the site is in shade, part in bright sun, the birds are in the shade and they just look black.  Will need to wait for the sun to move further to the west and see who might be around to catch on camera ...

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #102 on: July 10, 2017, 16:48 »
Wonderful news, TPC.  Thanks for setting the scene.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #101 on: July 10, 2017, 15:55 »
All the Logan chicks have fledged and are very quickly getting the hang of flying.  They have been back to the nest and higher than the nest and all without the lure of food to drag them around.  The foster chick hasn't really shown much interest yet in flying, quite a patient bird which is kind of cute to watch.  Today all the Logan chicks have come back within seconds of my checking out the camera - and they all come to visit the foster chick - another rather cute thing to watch. Very glad this fostering seems to working out well.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #100 on: July 07, 2017, 10:11 »
Second fledge yesterday, one of the two remaining Logan females.  She did not badly until she didn't.  Don't worry she was fine.  Got herself caught in a place where she needed to a) be rescued or b) figure out how to work her way out.  She did the latter and more power to her - she managed to not only get grounded, then up but managed to get most the way back up to the height of the nest before she needed to take a nice long break.  She was there for most of last evening.  She didn't make it back to the nest to sleep so far as we can tell last night but it may be she was just off camera.  We do know that second Logan female, foster female and little male hung out with Joli last night right at the nsetbox.  It was cute - they were four little statues all sound asleep for hours.  Then off went Joli, Logan female started her morning flap and landed on sleeping brother, who looked bemused for a few minutes to have lost his lovely napping spot (see photo below) and flew off.  Then Logan female went running off camera and I can't find her so not sure if that mans she's fledged - reasonable given her age and that her sister has gone - or if she's gone to hang out on a ledge around the corner where our cameras can't reach.  Only time will tell.  At the moment, foster sister is perched on the edge of the nestbox looking very much like a grown up peregrine (she's lost a lot of fuzz from yesterday) napping and not looking too interested in following her foster sibs wherever they may be.

So far so good, will keep folks in the loop!

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #99 on: July 05, 2017, 14:46 »
So glad she's fitting in.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #97 on: July 03, 2017, 16:42 »
This is a happy beginning for this chick. It could have had a sad ending if not found, checked for injuries and placed with an obvious inviting family. Thanks for sharing, TPC! When will all the chicks be named?

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #96 on: July 03, 2017, 16:25 »
When did that happen :o

Glad everything turned out!

Chick came down on Friday, checked out on Saturday while we made plans to foster, dropped off with Joli & Hart on Sunday and napping with a cousin right now (Monday)  ;D

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #95 on: July 03, 2017, 14:39 »
When did that happen :o

Glad everything turned out!

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #93 on: July 03, 2017, 14:00 »
Great news, TPC!

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #92 on: July 03, 2017, 13:52 »
Here's a little happy news, or happier news ...

We had a chick go down at another nestsite, not old enough to fledge but about the same body size as the Logan chicks but a few days younger.  Unfortunately, we couldn't safely for the adults and chicks at that site, we couldn't put the chick back so we decided to foster the chick with Joli and Hart.  Lots of room, playmates, a wickedly protective mom and a dad who's a bad provider and a nestsite that is accessible and safer than others.  So after having the chick checked out, we got the tot (big tot) installed at Logan and then we sat down and watched on the cams.  Didn't take long for her (we believe) to make friends with her cousins (remember all the chicks in town are cousins one way or another) and after a meal courtesy of Joli, everyone settled down to sleep in a pile last night.  This morning, Hart and Joli both fed the chick and the chick did some self-feeding, which the Logan chicks don't do much of if Joli & Hart are willing to feed them (pampered tots ;)). 

We haven't fostered, or needed to foster chicks, in a number of years - nice to see it working just like I remember it from way back when.

First Logan chick (the male)  fledged this morning just after dawn and came back to his cousin just before noon for leftovers.  The Logan sisters are off - I believe on the ledge that curves around a corner so I can't follow them on camera.  Or they too could have fledged - the Logan chicks are 38-41 days old, so right in the zone for first flights.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #91 on: July 03, 2017, 13:29 »
Oh no!  Just read this sad news :'(

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #90 on: July 03, 2017, 06:59 »
Awe, that is very sad.  RIP little one  :'(

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #89 on: July 01, 2017, 23:52 »
Oooh, that was a hard decision.
Thanks for explaining what happened, TPC.
Very sad, indeed.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #88 on: July 01, 2017, 15:32 »
She broke her leg (haven't had one of those before) but so far everything else looks okay.  She's off to the vet for a full exam, x-rays et al.  From that they will decide on what to do for her leg and we go from there.

More news as I have it ...
Logan - sad news about our injured Logan chick I'm afraid

Oh, no!  Sad news?
What happened after the vet check?

Chick had additional injuries that would take time to heal beside the leg but it was when they went to repair said leg they found serious damage to her tendon which repairing the break wouldn't have been able to help.  Any one thing individually (except the tendon) the chick could have overcome with luck but her chances were greatly reduced and the outcome because of the tendon was grim.  Deciding factor was the poor quality of life this chick would "enjoy" IF it survived surgery and all the recovery afterwards.  The right decisions are mostly the hardest to have to make. 

On a more optimistic note, her siblings are ready to fledge and they are showing some real smarts when the wind today blows in puffs and gusts at the nestsite.  I think it was just poor timing - a few days older and she'd have figured out how better to brace herself against the wind, a few days earlier and she'd have still be hanging out in the nesttray and on the lower roof.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #86 on: June 30, 2017, 15:57 »
She broke her leg (haven't had one of those before) but so far everything else looks okay.  She's off to the vet for a full exam, x-rays et al.  From that they will decide on what to do for her leg and we go from there.

More news as I have it ...
Logan - sad news about our injured Logan chick I'm afraid

Oh, no!  Sad news?
What happened after the vet check?

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #85 on: June 30, 2017, 14:23 »
  :( :'(

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #84 on: June 30, 2017, 13:24 »
 :'(  :'(

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #83 on: June 30, 2017, 05:56 »
 :'( :'( :'(

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #82 on: June 30, 2017, 02:59 »

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of our injured Logan chick.  :'(

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #80 on: June 29, 2017, 06:35 »

Few more photos have been added to the gallery.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #79 on: June 27, 2017, 15:35 »
 :( On no! Will our winds never cease? Talons crossed for a complete solution and recovery.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #78 on: June 27, 2017, 15:23 »
I hope her leg heals and she's okay to be released later.  Poor baby, she'll miss going south with her siblings.  :'(

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #77 on: June 27, 2017, 15:06 »
Oh I hope you can be mended!  :(

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #76 on: June 27, 2017, 14:30 »
We've had our first casualty of 2017 - the third of the three female chicks we banded at Logan.  She was very happily sitting on the ledge next to her brother when the wind picked up and she and brother tucked down to get low and little brother was okay but she rolled right across the ledge and over the edge.  She broke her leg (haven't had one of those before) but so far everything else looks okay.  She's off to the vet for a full exam, x-rays et al.  From that they will decide on what to do for her leg and we go from there.

You can read more on the blog at - First Casualty

More news as I have it ...

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #74 on: June 25, 2017, 00:50 »
Meet the Kids from Logan

Calendar page worthy!

Its a pretty good bet Newchick  ;)

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #73 on: June 24, 2017, 10:44 »

Meet the Kids from Logan

Calendar page worthy!

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #71 on: June 23, 2017, 15:06 »

Meet the Kids from Logan

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #69 on: June 22, 2017, 08:20 »
Good morning to all the Peregrine your well aware banding of the Logan and West Wpg chicks has taken place July 18th.
Couldn't ask for a better Nice Fathers Day present !

Banding Galleries have been created and more photos will be added in the days to come.

Stop by and have a look at the kids close up

Cheers !

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #66 on: June 19, 2017, 13:20 »
Before banding yesterday they had all managed to escape from the nestbox.  After banding we put them all back in the nestbox (or technically nest-tray) just for convenience sake.  Only took until meal time before one of the kids was perching like an adult on the box edge and then became a chick again when Joli flew away and they tumbled over the side of the box.  Didn't want to be by herself though and she clambered her way back up and over the side which as you can see isn't very high.  Today all but one of the chicks had climbed back out before noon - and then I saw our little tumbler climb back into the nestbox with a lot more grace and control than it had yesterday.  They grow so fast ... *sniffle*

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #65 on: June 19, 2017, 13:15 »
Banded at Logan yesterday - three girls and a boy for Joli and Hart this year - or at least that's what their "ankles" tell us!

Names will be coming soon

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #63 on: June 17, 2017, 15:14 »
The Logan chicks have finally decided to check out the world outside the nestbox - unfortunately their choice of nap site is tucked behind a support so can really on see a bit of tail feathers which means no photos.  But they'll come out, its the next stage for them and they'll be starting to wander a lot more now.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #56 on: June 08, 2017, 16:36 »
Today I watched one of the chick do a half decent job of waddling across the nestbox so that he could collapse on his sib -  he (or she) is the one looking straight at the camera ....

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #55 on: June 08, 2017, 16:34 »
Think I'm starting to see a pattern in the chicks' behaviour ...  ::)

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #54 on: June 06, 2017, 14:14 »
Jeez, these chicks these days, they can't party hard at all any more!  ;D

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #53 on: June 05, 2017, 11:42 »
New View at Logan.  The building and the wind were causing some wicked shaking on the PTZ camera which was most noticeable when we were zoomed it.  Made it very difficult to get an accurate count of eggs and chicks so we prepped a camera to install next to the nest-tray when we installed it.  That cam had technical difficulties and so we thought we'd fix it at banding.  The winds have been increasingly strong this year - the storm on the weekend, proved that.  Eye-Spy had a replacement camera all ready to go so a quick count of the days since hatching and a look at the weather and off we went.  Old camera came off to reduce unnecessary stuff near the nestbox, new camera installed and a couple of photos taken of the chicks to give us our first good look at them.  Joli being a good mama tried to impress upon us the need to leave (didn't work) but her chicks barely blinked at us.  We had choreographed the whole process to minimize time of the roof and we were on/off in less than 5 minutes and Joli was settled back by her chicks (and not yelling anymore) before we'd left the roof.  A job well done, that is already giving us a better eye on this little family.

Earlier this morning while the sun was still shining on the nest-tray

And just in the last hour - nest-tray is moving into the shade for the rest of the day

In both images you can see the chicks are making it very difficult for Joli to wrangle them ... like usual, at 10 days its like a switch gets flipped.  As of today, the oldest chick is 14 days old, the youngest 11.  And none of them want to be "under" Mom unless they can't find shade anywhere else!

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #52 on: June 04, 2017, 21:29 »
Dennis, Eye-Spy and I were off working behind the scenes to keep everything running smoothly - means didn't get to spend time checking the cams.
All the chicks are fine, weather was great - sunny, warm, enough clouds to keep from being too hot - great for the chicks and the adults alike.  It was basically a day of eating and sleeping!  And the chicks are rockstars at both!

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #51 on: June 04, 2017, 09:16 »
They're getting soooo big! :o

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #50 on: June 03, 2017, 16:50 »
When we designed this nest tray we made sure it was big enough but not so big that the chicks couldn't get under a small overhang at the back of the box - just enough to help keep them drier if the rain really starts coming down.  Besides it seems every chick at this site loves finding the nooks and crannies at this site.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #49 on: June 02, 2017, 20:59 »
The rain has started, but Joli isn't stuffing them into a corner or under her ... or not yet at least ...

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #48 on: June 02, 2017, 15:43 »
A star is born ... scary to think of Joli as a stage mom!  :o 

S/he certainly is a cutie. I am looking forward to the "Oh no! I swallowed a leg, the foot is sticking out of my beak, and now I have to stand upright until I regurgitate the whole thing" photo.  :-*   ;D

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #47 on: June 02, 2017, 14:24 »
A star is born ... scary to think of Joli as a stage mom!  :o

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #46 on: June 01, 2017, 13:37 »
The little pterodactyls are doing just fine - the one in front with the cram-packed full crop is the youngest chick - for those worried the smallest/youngest don't get their fair share  ;D

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #44 on: May 29, 2017, 11:48 »
Congrats to Joli & Hart!  :D

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #43 on: May 28, 2017, 13:15 »
No photos yet from today, its been raining off and on which means Joli's been velcroed to the eggs .. will check the recorder later though and see what I can find ... unfortunately have some work to do for "real life"  ::) ;D

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #42 on: May 28, 2017, 05:45 »
 :-* :-* :-* :-*  ;D

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #41 on: May 27, 2017, 15:49 »
Yay! 4 for 4!  Congrats Hart and Joli :-* 

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #40 on: May 27, 2017, 14:52 »
Glad the last chick has arrived & is fine. I kept checking & this AM when there was no report, I was starting to think the worst.  :(  Congrats to this pair on a family of 4.  :) ;D

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #39 on: May 27, 2017, 11:48 »
Yup it was a pip but it would take 24 hours until the tot popped out and longer than that before Joli would let me see it.  Knew something was up when Hart didn't get a chance to get near the chicks at all yesterday or today - Joli was making sure last chick got a full day's worth of Mummy-Duvet.  Hart got a chance to meet his youngest just 15 minutes ago (1130h CDT).

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #38 on: May 25, 2017, 09:45 »
Still just three chicks as of this morning - might be a pip on the last egg ..

Forecast for today is 60% chance of rain this afternoon with gusty winds from the south.  Not necessarily a big problem for the Logan nest, they are usually pretty protected from the wind - might mean they stay drier.  We will just have to wait and see.  Even if it does rain, Joli won't have any problem keeping her tots dry, particularly when they are so small.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #37 on: May 24, 2017, 19:48 »
Finally!  ;D

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #36 on: May 24, 2017, 16:05 »

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #35 on: May 24, 2017, 15:27 »
Very happy to see another one!  :D

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #34 on: May 24, 2017, 15:23 »
Hope they stay safe and dry.  Weather here in Edmonton is nasty rain, wind and cold.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #33 on: May 24, 2017, 13:47 »
Chick number 3 tumbled out of its egg right after Joli hopped back on the eggs after a mid-day meal for chicks 1 and 2

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #32 on: May 24, 2017, 11:42 »
Hurray!  Hurray!!  Welcome to the world, little ones! :-* :-*

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #31 on: May 24, 2017, 10:30 »
;D This is great news. And hopefully we will have chicks at all sites by this weekend.  ;D

Maybe by the end of the weekend ... West Wpg & Radisson aren't quite at the 30 day count yet and the Logan chicks started hatching out on day 33.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #30 on: May 24, 2017, 10:28 »
 ;D This is great news. And hopefully we will have chicks at all sites by this weekend.  ;D

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #29 on: May 24, 2017, 10:17 »
Yay.. :D :D

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #28 on: May 24, 2017, 09:50 »
Second Hatch!

Thank goodness for the recorder otherwise it would be so much more nerve-wracking figuring out who's hatched and when!  Second hatch was at oh-dark-thirty and because it is very sunny on the nestbox in the mornings, she doesn't like to get off the kids until the box gets into the shade.  Did manage to catch sight of both chicks but where my eyes can see two chicks, I can't get a clear photo of them.  Best I could do below ... better ones later for sure!

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #27 on: May 24, 2017, 09:02 »

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #26 on: May 24, 2017, 01:11 »
Congrats Hart & Joli! :)

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #25 on: May 23, 2017, 23:28 »

Approximately 1700h CDT from what I could see of a change in Joli's behaviour on the "eggs".  Got a glimpse at 1739h and chick was dry so had to be a bit earlier.  Tot had a meal (Joli fed) at 1936h and both adults came to check tot out a couple of times before Joli tucked tot and eggs back under her for the night a few minutes later.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #24 on: May 23, 2017, 14:46 »
No sign of chicks yet, though there was something on one of the eggs - could have been a bit of debris stuck to the eggshell or it could have been the start of a pip ....
;D ;D ;D

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #23 on: May 23, 2017, 13:50 »
No sign of chicks yet, though there was something on one of the eggs - could have been a bit of debris stuck to the eggshell or it could have been the start of a pip ....

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #22 on: May 23, 2017, 09:03 »
Checked the camera and the recording and still 4 eggs - saw them all intact about 0630h this morning when Joli took over from Hart.  Since then Joli has been parked on the eggs in the morning sun.  This is this pair's usual morning routine, so will just have to keep waiting & watching.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #21 on: May 22, 2017, 15:13 »
We start incubation counts once the third eggs is laid and we are watching for hatches at day 30 even though most eggs hatch after 32-34 days of incubation.  Logan's 30 day mark was May 20th, so today is the 33rd day of incubation.  At this point I would expect to see the adults "spinning" on the eggs more than they are.  The "spinning" helps the chicks - they tap away and the spins seem to help get the shells open and perhaps help the chicks to tap all the way around the egg - a bit like cracking the top of a soft-boiled egg, you tap and turn the egg so that your tapping is most efficient.  We've seen other adults slow down the hatching process by staying very still on the eggs in the rain - Princess a couple of years ago most notably - her first chick hatched just before a couple of days of constant light rain and cooler weather.  The next eggs didn't hatch until a couple of days later when the rain stopped.  Princess lost the first chick, but the rest of her offspring were fine.  I see the same thing with Joli and Hart right now.  Tomorrow is to be mainly sunny (11 hours of sun) and warmer (high 19C) with a lower probability of precipitation (30%).  Normal for this period is 21C

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #20 on: May 21, 2017, 12:02 »

If you want to see bigger image, click on the link below the tweet

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #19 on: May 20, 2017, 11:31 »
The light wasn't right this morning to get a shot of the eggs - just looked like dark blobs in the shade.  And they are sticking tight on the eggs for longer and longer periods - Joli most of all.  Usually a good indication that she's gearing up fro hatching.

The weather over the next few days is a bit of a mixed back - 60% chance of rain some days, sunny or partly sunny other days ... I think they will get to the sunny day (Tuesday)  before the eggs actually hatch but only Joli really knows and we will just have to wait and see ...

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #18 on: May 19, 2017, 11:04 »

Like the West Winnipeg nest, mornings are when this nestbox gets the sun as well.  Unlike the West Winnipeg site, this one is much more protected from the wind.  Usually that means they are protected from the worst weather - the snowed-under-nestbox event of (believe it or not) of less than a month ago notwithstanding!  So this morning, Joli got to enjoy some lovely sunny, warm, protected time in the nestbox with the eggs.  As the eggs are due to start hatching in the next few days, she's not getting off them even when its sunny and warm - for her the end of her long incubation is within sight (or sound) and she's not taking any chances!

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #16 on: May 16, 2017, 10:43 »
I quite like that new nestbox...well, for the birds.
Not sure I would be very comfortable in there....
However, am not a bird searching for a penthouse nestbox.  :P

Hopefully once the roof work is done we can add a little extra bling to the nest-tray - ideally we would like to provide a bit of a roof - the site is very protected so it rarely needs anything - this spring was weird, the snow was coming from just the right (or from Hart's perspective, wrong) direction.  When it rains or is windy and both the Radisson and West Winnipeg box are wet, this one stays dry and it is usually very sheltered from the wind.  And don't have to worry about the sun, they only get direct sun first thing in the morning and then not for long.  Have to make sure whatever we do, we aren't interfering with rooftop operations though, so we'll see what, if anything, we can do to improve the nest - it may be that except for fluke snow storms, this site needs nothing more.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #15 on: May 15, 2017, 21:46 »
I quite like that new nestbox...well, for the birds.
Not sure I would be very comfortable in there....
However, am not a bird searching for a penthouse nestbox.  :P

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #14 on: May 15, 2017, 11:23 »
Joli got a new nestbox in time for her to enjoy it on Mother's Day ...

Very nice Mother's Day present for Joli, great news!  Thank you TPC!

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #13 on: May 14, 2017, 23:16 »
Joli got a new nestbox in time for her to enjoy it on Mother's Day ...

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #12 on: March 26, 2017, 12:13 »
This is a cross-board post that I will post on all three Wpg boards ...

We definitely have females at all three Winnipeg nestsites.  I was able to confirm that at the same time, Joli was at Logan, Faith was at West Winnipeg and a male (Hart confirmed) and "the female we suspect may be Princess" were at the Radisson. 

Hopefully with the south winds yesterday some additional males will turn up as it appears that Hart is trying to do "husbandly" duties himeself - have seen him bowing and displaying with Joli and Princess in the last day and I'm pretty sure Faith was yakking at him from her nestbox not an hour ago.  Not sure Princess wasn't giving him a lecture this morning but Joli was definitely willing to succumb to his worldly wiles and Faith I think is just so darn eager to get going on things that she's not being particularly discriminating ...  ;D

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #11 on: March 26, 2017, 07:47 »

Joli back on her territory at Logan.

« Last Edit: March 26, 2017, 11:51 by photosbydennis »

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #10 on: March 25, 2017, 14:06 »
This is the first day when I can comfortably say that Joli and Hart have both been on-territory at Logan as a pair.  Until now, Hart has come by only occasionally. He's been seen as often in West Winnipeg (see Dupre's and Cooper's posts) and since he returned, most of his time has been downtown at the Radisson. Today I finally caught both Hart and Joli on camera displaying and bowing in their own nestbox - yippee!!  Will be interesting to see if he continues to hang out with Faith or if he starts to settle into his own territory again.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #9 on: March 24, 2017, 17:57 »
TPC may not have been able to tell for certain but I can confirm it was Joli.

Thank you for confirming that Joli has returned to Logan, Dennis.

She might have returned home to heal some unseen wounds, poor girl. I hope that Hart has returned to this site as well.

Joli seems fine, nothing unusual or unremarkable about her behaviour or her appearance.  And Hart is the only male in town so he's trying to be a "big boy" for both Faith and Joli and I'm not sure either lady is particularly impressed with the situation.  Same kind of thing as last year with him ...

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #8 on: March 24, 2017, 14:19 »
TPC may not have been able to tell for certain but I can confirm it was Joli.

Thank you for confirming that Joli has returned to Logan, Dennis.

She might have returned home to heal some unseen wounds, poor girl. I hope that Hart has returned to this site as well.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #7 on: March 24, 2017, 00:46 »
who is the male here again.

No pun intended but things are too much in the air to know who will end up where and with who ... so doe the moment enjoy the whirlwind 

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #6 on: March 23, 2017, 21:46 »
who is the male here again.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #5 on: March 23, 2017, 20:53 »
TPC may not have been able to tell for certain but I can confirm it was Joli.

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #4 on: March 23, 2017, 10:25 »
Well someone spent a chunk of this morning hanging out at the Logan nestbox.  Coloured band is on the correct leg for Joli, but the bird was too far away and the light too bright to be sure of what I was seeing.  Nice to know someone remembers where this box is ...

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #3 on: March 19, 2017, 23:34 »
Hooray for Hart!

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Re: Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #2 on: March 12, 2017, 12:07 »
"peregrine bootcamp"!  ;D

Looking forward to the season!  Sure hope you got caught up on your sleep, TPC!  This could be a wild one!

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Logan - 2017 / Hart & Jolicoeur
« Reply #1 on: March 12, 2017, 12:02 »
Hart is back on his own territory this morning and it is annoying the pigeons and crows.

Nice when the big kids come to play in the sandbox, all the rabble-rousers have to play nice.  Unfortunately now the pigeons have to practice their elude-and-evade skills, but hey, they've have six months to be lazy and they should look at this as pre-breeding season fitness training, soon they will have kids to take care of and predators to fight off (egg/chick theives) and evade (peregrines), so staying off the menu of one peregrine is a good place to get back into shape.  Peregrine Bootcamp if you like ...  ;D