First Down

photo courtesy of Prairie Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre

And as it seems that we aren’t going to ease into this year’s peregrine season it should come as no surprise that yesterday we had our first injury. The bird is an unbanded male picked up from downtown – likely the male we observed eating at the Radisson on Friday – and now in the care of the Prairie Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre.

High winds, tall buildings and likely Ella and/or Hart in hot pursuit, its easy to see how a new male could have run into a little trouble. We are confident that the folks at Prairie Wildlife will do whatever and everything they can for their newest patient. We are hoping it wasn’t too hard a knock and that he has a good prognosis – but we will have to wait and see. It would be nice not to have an early season mortality like last year when we lost Porter.

Heard today from Prairie Wildlife today and our unbanded male (see how fast we adopt them as “ours” once they arrive in town!) appears to be in fine fettle. Some concerns yesterday seem to have resolved themselves (knock on wood) though he does have a sore leg so he’s going to be staying a bit longer. His ingratitude for all of the PWRC’s team’s hard work on his behalf is a good sign however and we are cautiously optimistic.

With thanks to everyone at PWRC for their help and the photos!